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Skin Care DIY's

Skin Care

One should take care of and pamper one's  skin daily.Here are few skin care tips to get glowing, sheeny, flawless and radiant skin in the monsoon season

MORNING SKIN CARE_________________

Step 1.


Wash up your face in the morning with a splash of  water along with a face cleanser /face wash so that your face gets cleaned up properly and removes all the dust and oil.

Finding a good face wash/cleanser
Select a very mild face wash. (according to your skin type)
You can find many face washes in the retailer shop or online, but remember to go through all the ingredients before buying them, try using an alcohol-free cleanser
There are many companies like Mamaearth, Khadi, VLCC, etc which have paraben-free and ayurvedic products.

Step 2.

(once or twice a week)

Exfoliation makes your skin very bright and beautiful.
It unclogs pores from within and removes all the dirt off your skin. It also removes blackheads, whiteheads, and dead skin.
Scrubbing should be done at least twice a week.

Step 3.

(once or twice a week)

After cleansing and scrubbing comes applying a face mask
Face masks hydrates and soothes the skin, it also removes redness and gives rest to your skin. Moreover, it also removes fine lines and wrinkles provide even skin tone and firm skin.
Everyone should use a face mask at least once or twice a week as it helps with all skincare concerns.

Step 4.


Never skip the toner, I repeat never ever.
Applying toner(before moisturizing) is the most important task as it helps to remove traces of oil corrects and balances the pH of your skin, and helps to control acne and acne-related issues.

Step 5.


So now comes moisturizing.
It is just a myth that people with oily skin do not require a moisturizer
Listen ladies whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin you always need a moisturizer
If you have dry skin then moisturizer helps you to remove dryness
And if you belong to an oily skin type family(Like me) then the moisturizer helps you to balance the oil on the face, it gets into your pores and prohibits the secretion of excessive oil on your face.
If you have an oily and acne-prone skin find a good GEL BASED moisturizer for you
So apply your favorite moisturizer.

Step 6.


So, at last, apply a sunscreen you can either use lotus or mama earth sunscreen because they are best in the market in the present time.
Whether you are in or out side the house you should apply sunscreen .
It is just a myth that sunscreen should be applied only when you go out in the sun.

And yes now you are good to go

NIGHT SKIN CARE_____________

Step 1


Wash your face up with a cleanser/ face wash suitable for your skin type(Use the same cleanser which you used in the morning)

Step 2


After cleaning your face apply toner with a cotton ball

Step 3


At last, apply a moisturizer or a night cream whichever you prefer applying

And yes now you can have your Beauty Sleep





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